gum disease treatment

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what is gum disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common inflammatory condition that affects the tooth’s supporting and surrounding tissues. It usually starts when a sticky bacterial film called plaque accumulates on the tooth surface and gum line. Without regular flossing and brushing, plaque quickly hardens into tartar. Unless a qualified dental professional removes tartar deposits, the buildup on the teeth and under the gums will lead to the earliest stage of gum disease called gingivitis.

Luckily, Stonetrace Family Dental performs professional deep cleaning to reverse gingivitis. However, the patient has to follow a consistent at-home oral hygiene routine and make specific lifestyle changes, if applicable. Otherwise, gingivitis may progress to advanced periodontitis, in which deep pockets form between the teeth and gums. Over time, this disease will trigger gum tissue and bone deterioration until the teeth loosen.

what are the symptoms of gum disease?

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    Bad breath that won't go away

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    Bleeding gums after flossing or brushing

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    Swollen, bright red, or purplish gums

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    Painful chewing

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    Sensitive teeth

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    Gum recession

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    Changes in teeth alignment

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    Loose teeth

how can i reduce the risk of gum disease?

Although gum disease can be a serious condition, you can do a few things to prevent it.

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    Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush

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    Brush for at least two minutes at least twice a day

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    Floss daily

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    Avoid using tobacco

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    Schedule twice-yearly visits to the dentist

What are the treatment options for gum disease?

You can’t resolve this problem without professional care. The dentist has to thoroughly check your teeth and measure your gum pockets’ depth to fully understand your oral health, explain their recommendations, and create a customized treatment plan.

The dentist may perform scaling and root planing if your condition has progressed too far. This procedure eliminates tartar buildup and bacteria from your teeth and under your gum line. Besides eliminating the source of the inflammation, this treatment allows the gums to heal. Root planing removes bacterial byproducts and smooths the surfaces to encourage healthy gum reattachment, reduce tartar buildup, and help your smile recover. However, if your gum disease has damaged the underlying structures, you may require more intensive therapy.

do you need to see a reliable dentist in murfreesboro, tn?

The earlier you catch and treat gum disease symptoms, the better your chance of reversing the damage it can cause. Stonetrace Family Dental is the best place to start the discussion about gum treatment and care. Contact us today to make an appointment!

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We offer a wide range of quality dental services for each member of your household. You don’t need to drive around for the treatment you need. Stonetrace Family Dental can do it all in one place.

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